Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Oh marillion how I have missed you so

Dede de de de de de AAAR. Reality is something that you rise above, we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are... Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run... The fearful fall foul of fate as often as the reckless. You don't need money to be rich anyhow, spending yourself is whats it's all about. NO TEARS NO LIES NO PAIN NO DOUBT NO DARKNESS NO CONFUSION, NO loneliness despair no more, no more it's all illusion. De de de de de de de de de de de de deuh.

God Bless them.

MIMSical MIMS should be OK, and that anatomy paper was only worth 33% of the VetMB, so I can make it up on the Steeplechase (which I'm hoping I'll be better at).

Also, Dr Holmes gave us all a little good luck note in our pidgeon holes on Sunday which was bloody nice of him! I needed it!


1 comment:

Tom Ward said...

it was......