Monday, June 16, 2008

Castle Mound 2008

Ben managed to drive an entire clan of Chavs of Castle Mound today.

Ben: Y'a'right mate?
Chav: Wat college ya from?
Ben: I'm not from a Cambridge, I'm from Durham, Up north
Chav: Like, Scotland
Ben: No, Durham, it's in England
Chav: Edinburgh
Ben: Durham
Chav: Shropshire
Chav2: Lake District
Ben: No
Chav: Yorkshire
Chav2: Lake District
Ben: Sort of
Chav: Glasgow
Chav2: Lake District
Ben: No
Chav: Blackpool
Ben: No
Chav: Newcastle
Ben: Yeah, it's near Newcastle
Chav: Liverpool
Ben: No
Chav: So where is it... just tell us
Ben: Durham
Chav: Why dint ya tell us dat?
Ben: I did
Chav: 'Av a nice night fellas... and ladyfellas.
Ben: You too
Everyone: slightly nervously YOU TOO.
Chavs: E's off 'is rocka mate!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Broken Glass

Important news is that the Broken Glass Website is up and running fully now - looking quite snazzy if I may say so myself. Have a look round and read about Song. It should be quite an exciting and moving play to see, so if you're in Edinburgh, or need a good reason to go, let it be Song.

Monday, June 09, 2008


I made a playlist!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Exam done. It wasn't great, but it was alright - it seemed to concentrate a little too heavily on being able to identify inflammatory cells (which I'm crap at).

I have loads of mouth ulcers at the moment (~12), and having just done an alimentary exam, I'm convinced I've got ulcerative stomatitis, or possibly foot and mouth disease, or even malignant catarrhal fever. The problem with veterinary knowledge! You think you have the symptoms of diseases it's impossible for you to catch. The ultimate hyperchondria!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bridles, Coffee, Blogs and Cyclists

Hurrah! So I'm all bridled and meetinged up now. I thought I could do bridles, but I'm resigned to the fact that their complicated leathery straps are just too much for my brain to handle. I managed it in the end (though needed some more pointers as the horse refused to take the bit) though. I've also had coffee (how I needed coffee) in the little cafe to prepare for the Alimentary exam, and edited my blog. How committed I am. Actually, I've reached the stage where last minute cramming will turn my liver into fois gras (fatty change in the liver resulting in vacuolated hepatocytes with eccentrically placed nuclei as a result of increased food intake in birds didn't you know) and my brain in to mingmush (not sure what the pathogenesis of this one is).

Ah, term is almost over - It's gone so damned quick!

News item of the day - I wonder how long it is until these damned cyclists in Cambridge are allowed the wrong way up one-way streets - it can only lead to deaths, though probably more economic use of police time.

Profile errors?

I've just realised that my profile random question reads the following:

Q: Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-hoos?
A: I would probably cover myself in golden syrup and then roll in sawdust. Mmm. Crunchy

Of course this is an answer to a completely different question, but I'm going to leave it for comedy value.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The evening before the exam.

The evening before the exam. Alimentary is tomorrow morning. I'm not overly worried, but nowhere near as confident as I was before breeding (which I found out I passed today). It seems to have snuck up on me without me realising. I seem to have continually convinced myself that it is a few days away, and here I am with it being tomorrow morning. Still I've made notes, and been through everything at least once. There are alot of drugs with silly names that don't seem to be going in, but apart from that it's fine. The picture on the left is a photo of a skull with "lumpy jaw", caused by Actinobacillus lignersi which is essentially an osteomyelitis of the mandible. See if you can work out which species the skull is though... It's hidden in this post somewhere. WALLABY!

I've also got to go in early tomorrow to prove that I can put a bridle on a horse - I messed it up the other day (got the throatlash twisted through the top), and so have to go back to show that I do now how to do it. Should be fine, I've had a practice which was fine. Hopefully nerves won't get the better of me! I've also got to meet my supervisor tomorrow for my termly meeting, to discuss EMS gone and to come, and to check I'm still in one piece!

I was very glad to find out today that biscuits are getting the coverage and respect they deserve. Often the important work they selflessly perform is overlooked as they calmly sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

Other random links, the designer of the pringles can is buried in one.

Amazon tribe, never seen before.

The eternal growth of trees, no matter what gets in the way

Monday, June 02, 2008

Logic rules

I'm currently enjoying having translated my lecture notes on Alimentary Pathology from an illogical stream of randomness to a logical progression for each disease with --> style arrows and everything (one thing I have forced my Mac (now running iWork, not office) to take from Microsoft is the creation of an arrow from '-->'). It's so much simpler to revise from when you start with the pathogenesis, go into clinical signs and then pathology. I'm enjoying it anyway!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Damned window-smasher

Someone smashed my sister's window the other night, showering her room with glass. If I find out which drunken 1st year Yorker did that, I'll give them beatings.