Sunday, May 24, 2009


And so it begins. Exams tomorrow. Scared, but hopeful.

Today's discovery (apart from the primordial stew of knowledge swimming around my head) was this 1937 Cold poster. That's my kind of pathology (unfortunately not veterinary, so is of no use to me tomorrow!).

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Avez vous?

I am absolutely loving "avez vous deja vu?" - a fantastic series of French cartoon shorts I discovered from Sarah's blog here.

My particular favourite is Avez vous deja vu Poppi qui joue Hamlet au Royal Shakespeare Theatre?
They all end with "Maintainent, oui!" which I assume is - "now you have!"

Friday, May 08, 2009

And so the lectures came to an end. That's it. Fin. Over. They've now didactically taught everything they can and so now comes the steep practical learning curve. Eep! It's a massive relief, and very exciting, but bloody scary at the same time.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

A marvelous faux pas.

Me: How old is your brother?
Megan: 15.
Tom: Aw, he's wee! Well, no, actually, he's probably about 6 foot!
Megan: No, he has growth hormone deficiency.
Tom: Ahem....

Meep! Luckily, taken in good spirits!

Monday, May 04, 2009

c u r r e n t l y

Thanks to radio, and the ever plunderable Spotify, I've discovered Jason Webley - an American music-man who is a little like a more interesting version of Willy Mason who collided with an accordion and a few violins in a tragic (and yet beautiful) pile up, which was then attended by Isaac Brock (of Modest Mouse fame) in a particularly shouty mood. Listen to the song 'Broken Cup' to see what I mean.

I've decided that in future I should avoid looking at photos of musicians on the internet however. They never look like you expect.

The revision continues. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to commit things to any sort of a long term memory. I'm reading about diseases and thinking, yes, that makes sense, but it's so difficult to squeeze hundreds of pathogeneses and clinical signs in one brain AND then link them up with the right disease.
Things which seem to permanently fox me include Salmonella and E.coli - not sure why, I think I just try to make them much more complicated than I need to.

Still, there's still plenty of days to go!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I have hair.

That's quite a sudden outburst I know, like I've just experienced a sudden acute bout of hirsutism, or have only just acquired a new toupee. However, I mean this in a more on-going, my hair is growing kind of a way. Now most people's hair grows, but mine tends to grow out and then in. Thus creating an arcing curve into a bowl the likes of which wedgewood couldn't imagine. However, my last haircut was done by Alex, and somehow she's managed to kill the bowl. My hair is now possibly 3 inches long at the longest part, and even in its untampered state looks half-decent. I'm well chuffed!

Tomorrow is slight trim day, to remove the tufts that are intent on invading my ear-canal like little miners, and the growths that are tumbling down my neck.
