Monday, June 06, 2005

Examo Numero Uno Overo

^ I speak spanish. Yeeeaaaah!

VAP this morning was, how can I say... EVIL! They asked me horrible questions. I had to do the essays on viscera because the locomotion ones were so tough. I wrote an essay on the horse and rabbit on the basis of knowing the sacculus rotundus and the fusus coli... I f***ed it up to be polite. Never mind, I think I passed. My heart and Displaced Abomasum essays were okish...

Now I am going to have an hour or so off before I start revising for MIMS.

It's nice to have them under-way.


Just putting this here for my own reference (essay questions):
1. Give a comparitive account of the heart in the domestic species.
2. The colon and caecum of the rabbit is essentially just a miniature version of that found in the horse. Discuss.
3. How important is a knowledge of the anatomy of the bovine abdomen in an understanding of the causes, signs and treatments of abomasal displacement?

1 comment:

Tom Ward said...

hehe. i came out of that exam talking about how much i hated the femoral nerve. I'm pretty sure I wrote about an artery, but also a saphenous artery :S