Saturday, June 04, 2005

£500 is alot of money to lose

Nationwide lost a £500 cheque... they decided it was ok to take it out of my natwest account, but not to put it into my nationwide one. I spent £5 making phone calls and wasted 90 minutes of the 3rd day before my exams sorting it all out. To be fair both the people from Natwest and Nationwide were very helpful, but it was a hassle I could do without.

In other news, Alex is muchly ill. She has a nasty cold thing. I got her some beechams tablet things which I always find help; hopefully they will for her too.

I have worked pretty hard today, and have been much less stressed. That AARGH post was more directed to Thursday which was a bit of a stress out. I'm much more confident now! I tried a MIMS practical maths question and got the right answer, just one order of magnitude too small. Luckily Alex realised it was just cos I was using the calculator wrong. 10^4 is put in by 1 EXP 4, NOT 10 EXP 4. Silly me....

Tomorrow the vetscis are all off out to search for our exam halls, in the Guildhall (which we know about) and Wesley Church, wherever that may be!

Also, Jen has now finished her exams. I am veeeery jealous. Very jealous indeed. Still, I'm pleased for her (he says grating his teeth ;) )

Right, it's 2.26, so I'm off to bed!




Jenjen said...


You will be fabber than a big giant fabulous thing!

Wifelet x

Tom Ward said...

thankyou jenjen!!!! It was MUCH needed :S