Friday, January 26, 2007

"It's nice to see a natsci... over there... leaving," were the words Alextheboy used to sum up our formal last night. Surely tongue-in-cheek and slightly confused - no doubt he didn't expect to give a speech on Tom, Reece and Iona's birthdays, but when none of them would stand up after a round of "Happy Birthday", the onus fell first to Alexthegirl to say something, followed by Vicky, and then, not to be out-done, Alex. He was, of course, refering to TomT's englingness, despite two years as a natsci. Was pretty funny.

Formal was nice - the food was amazing (Fish-cakes to start. Really tasty fish cakes. Then we had some delicious beef for main, and a white chocolate and amaretto chocolate cream cake for pudding. Wow!)

Oh, and I wore the pig cuff-links that Hannah got me for Christmas, and amazing they looked too!


Anonymous said...

YAY the cuff links i got you even got a photo, i showed it to john cause he didn't believe me that they could be piggies but still he doesn't believe me that they can be stylish and cute =| but they are =] hope everyone else liked them too =]

Hannie xxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s. i swear i am the only on that ever comments on this thing...haha, what a sad life i must lead =P

Tom Ward said...

They are stylish, cute and wonderful. I'm impressed by them anyway. Other people do post... occasionally. MORE COMMENTS PLEEEEEEEEEEASE.
