Sunday, January 28, 2007


Have just been on the phone to my sister, and I have been given insider news (that I am now going to share with the whole of the internet) that it is proposed that Tudor Drive Library will be closed in the next few months as part of "money saving" cuts courtesy of our wonderful local council (Kingston this is, not Cambridge). So we say goodbye to the local library I have used all of my life, and goodbye to the ladies at the desk who have been there for as long, if not longer. And, goodbye to my poor sister who will be made redundant at 18. Hah.

Intriguingly, the entire library was extended, refurbished and had a new roof fitted only two (possibly fewer) years ago. Surely it would be stupid (not to mention and immense waste of capital investment) to close it, along with the fact that a huge number of local people rely on it. It is an invaluable resource for both young people, for whom it's convenience to an estate which is otherwise isolated (relatively) from local resources, and for old people who cannot walk the few miles to the nearest library.

I'm not talking closure on a rural scale here - it's not like we live in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere where the nearest library is 8 miles away, but it's the principle of the thing. It's so well used, and closing it is going to enrage alot of people. Surely a better money saving idea would be to close each of the libraries in Kingston for one extra day a week - thus reducing wage and running costs?

Save Tudor Drive Library.

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