Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Freezing my nagits off.

Man it's cold. I'm doing washing so all my windows are open (to stop my room becoming wetter than the eden-project on a day when the sprinklers get stuck on) which means it's freezing. Luckily, Alex is wonderful, has constructed a draft excluder for her door, and is letting me camp out in her room, and letting me steal her internet (for Kingfisher research (apparently they have 2 foveas) and for blogging. ahem).


How I wish I could speak German: Free Translation:"The eye of the kingfisher (Alcedo attis attis) possesses a temporal, very eccentric lain Fovea next to the nasal central pit of the retina. Accordingly we find a lens of the form of a lying egg whose sharpener is on the other side of pole of the temporal Fovea. Also the Ciliarkörper correspondingly asymmetrically is constructed. The form of the lens is stipulated through the edge bulge. It is to be supposed that the unusual lenses form serves in addition to sketch in the immersing of the bird after fish prey on the temporal Foveen a binokulares picture if through omission of the breach power of the cornea in the water the picture becomes on the central Fovea fuzzy. The building of the central Fovea shows an especially intense differentiation of the layers."

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