Monday, January 22, 2007

c u r r e n t l y l i s t e n i n g t o

The Cooper Temple Clause - Make This Your Own.
The band released this album in its entirety for streaming on the NME website a few days ago, and upon first listening it was awful. The thrashy-synthed, slightly angry TCTC that I had grown to love seemed to be dead. The songs seemed poppy, badly produced and dull. However, having taken the plunge and, against my better judgement, bought the album anyway out of loyalty, it's actually not too bad! The album is much better produced than either the previous releases of the songs, or the NME stream, and, while it contains a few duff songs, the majority are still recogniseably TCTC.
The song "All I See is You", is amazing. It starts with the quiet rolling eerie noises I loved from their first album (e.g. the track 555-4823), and ends with Panzer Attack guitars and shouty singing - so unmistakeably TCTC. I could not describe how happy this made me. #AAAAIII will fiiind a waaaaaaay to youuuu#. It even ends resonantly like Talking to a Brick Wall, My favourite song they have done.
Even the songs that start poorly (like Connect) do eventually build into something, which has calmed my worries of a "Four Day Hombre" style album. They've made use of the other singers in the band, which in my opinion is a bad thing (Ben Gautrey just sounds like TCTC), and songs like Isn't it Strange and Take Comfort suffer for this, though they tease with All I See is You by starting with another singer but ending with some classic Ben.
Overall, this album is much more of a success than I ever expected. £9 well spent!

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