H****** S******** to a M*******
I spent the morning (yes, I got up at 8.30am) finishing off a paper for my dissertation, from which I found 6 references, two of which are unavailable in cambridge, and the other four of which are all in different libraries. AARGH! I also listened to the new tracks from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah; unfortunately they were no where near as good as the tracks from the 1st album. Reece's warnings were not unfounded. I then met Alex in town after her lectures (hehe - I have none till Monday), and we had coffee and cake. Mmm.
I had organised our first Pool Team practice session for the afternoon so I battled through the extreme winds to the cellars where we had a good two hour session. We definitely needed it, and I think it was worthwhile. Plus we got to use the new table. And what a sexy beast it is too!
The evening was spent discussing a fascinating publishment idea (see post title), and drinking Martini Asti in Vicky's room. Was really good fun, particularly with Bethmo's Jewish country music squealing in the background. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Genuinely really funny.
We then went to Fez, but the strange Electro-House music scared us, so we only stayed an hour.
Tomorrow I give blood --- once more unto the breach...
I'm not sure if this works outside of facebook.
But here goes:
See you tomorrow, or on thursday.
the production idea was a hamster sellotaped to the pages of a poetry magazine. tom was not allowed to reveal this due to copyright laws.
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