Monday, June 16, 2008

Castle Mound 2008

Ben managed to drive an entire clan of Chavs of Castle Mound today.

Ben: Y'a'right mate?
Chav: Wat college ya from?
Ben: I'm not from a Cambridge, I'm from Durham, Up north
Chav: Like, Scotland
Ben: No, Durham, it's in England
Chav: Edinburgh
Ben: Durham
Chav: Shropshire
Chav2: Lake District
Ben: No
Chav: Yorkshire
Chav2: Lake District
Ben: Sort of
Chav: Glasgow
Chav2: Lake District
Ben: No
Chav: Blackpool
Ben: No
Chav: Newcastle
Ben: Yeah, it's near Newcastle
Chav: Liverpool
Ben: No
Chav: So where is it... just tell us
Ben: Durham
Chav: Why dint ya tell us dat?
Ben: I did
Chav: 'Av a nice night fellas... and ladyfellas.
Ben: You too
Everyone: slightly nervously YOU TOO.
Chavs: E's off 'is rocka mate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lmao. i have heard similar conversations mate when it comes to chavs.

hey, speaking of chavs, check this out