Monday, February 18, 2008

Frost and Horses

This morning was incredibly frosty (see poor quality phone picture taken on the way home when most of the frost had melted). I mean, REALLY frosty. Frost everywhere. White frost. Frost frost frost. Anyway, you get the idea. It was cold, and I had to venture out to the stables for an equine clinical exam technique session. It was interesting, and I learned many exciting techniques (can finally hear gut and respiratory sounds!), but I also lost all the feeling in my fingers, which made finding pulses tough. Infact, it was so cold it was generally quite hard to find the horse. Plus I got used as a scratching post by beachball (which involved me being regularly butted across the stable by a pony - how embarrassing), and getting bitten by sway, who took a good go at my forearm with her twisted teeth. Pretty painful I must say! Luckily the huge number of layers I was wearning kept my blood (and hand) where it belonged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you think that's frost. You should have seen our lasted for 3 days, without melting at all, was on all the trees (looking very prettyful I might add) and the lake was completely frozen over. You southeners just don't know what cold is =P hehehehehehehehehe :)