Monday, February 11, 2008

Bidds, Anniversaries and Pub.

BIDDS is done. Phew! It wasn't the easiest of MCQs - 26 of the questions were reverse questions (which of the following is NOT correct), which is really annoying - it plays on all your doubts and insecurities. You may thing that one is wrong (and therefore right), but you could have just overlooked it when learning. Grr. Still, I could have done better, so it's a little borderline. We'll see...

In more exciting news, it is our anniversary today (3years of delight)!, and Alex and me are going out to Pizza Express to celebrate - yay. We enjoyed wandering around town free from BIDDS, and had irish coffees in Cafe Rouge. Nothing is too expensive on anniversary day!

We are then toddling to the Castle to congratulate two vets for their recent engagement (to each other). Also, Geoff is in Cambridge so may be going to see him tomorrow - I unfortunately missed Rahul weekend before last because I was lambing :(.

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