Saturday, February 04, 2006

Saturday, 1.55

Lookie lookie! It's Saturday, and I've been up for... oo, about... 6 hours. How impressive is that!? I lecturised this morning (VRB - Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy) which was ok really - This lecture series is quite interesting, and at least understandable. Then the lovely Alex and I wandered round a few music shops looking for music (as you do). Alex tried one of the pianos, and, while it was beautiful (and expensive, much to my surprise - about £2000) it didn't play well.

We went for tea and fruit cake (mmmmmmm), and then I came home for a band rehersal. We have a name, and have submitted an audition application... scary!! May Ball here we try to come!

Now we've just finished, and I'm about to have some lunch. Cheese sandwiches anyone?

1 comment:

Tom Ward said...

Band: (n) In music, a band is a group of musicians, or musical ensemble, usually popular or folk, playing parts of or improvising off of a musical arrangement.

Another definition.

I'm being flippant, sorry. Jen, Lydia and me have combined forces to play some beautiful folky, jingly jangly stuff for the may ball. Tis fabarooney.