Monday, November 07, 2005


Saturday was the day of the fireworks, thanks to good old Fawkes. Grand Arcade sponsored it you know - I only just found out, if they hadn't have announced it every 2 minutes, I might not have known!

Fireworks were BON, the fairground was also BON. We dogemmed, and wasted a few 10ps in them stoopid machines, and ate LOTS of sweets. We went to Gardies, where we had a late night (well, 9... it was dark!) picnic outside using fi's beautiful picnic rug. The best way to enjoy a good chip buttie. Also, thanks to Jen's phone, which I have bought of her for un petit prix, I was able to take photos and they are here... for your pleasure:

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Is it a linguni wearing my hat, is it a peanut? I just can't tell!

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Jen's horse never came in.

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Yay Gardies picnic!!


George Walkden said...

I'd like to thank Grand Arcade for a wonderful evening.

Anonymous said...

peanut peanut peanut!

no linguine, tasty protein filled snack.
