Monday, November 07, 2005

Essays, Goats and Excessive photos.

Sooooo many essays. Having had 2 in total so far (up to the start of week 4), I now have 3 to do. "Describe the Cellular Interactions of the Immune System" is done (did it on Saturday), and I managed to get half of "When can the Immune System be Harmful" done yesterday, so now I must finish that, and do "Compare and Contrast the Pharmacology of Cholinergic and Adrinergic neurotransmission" before Thursday.

Interestingly, while faffing yesterday, I made a Goat to be found on the back of Clarification the other week, designed by none-other than Andrew. It was a really impressive flat-pack net like those cubes you used to make at school, except a goat, instead of a cube. Much more exciting. It had a clever fold out, sticky uppy tail and an arsehole and everything!

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Goatrew Bates

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Goatbum... Interesting.

In other news, we had 5 lectures today... so many infact, that in a 1 hour gap we had to stay in the theatre cos there was no point leaving, as the chemistry department is in the middle of nowhere. I do like to occasionally point out that we do do some work, so here is Alex making Pathology notes pretty! (how can you tell that I'm very excited about having a camera phone again?)

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Path. The bane of our existances.

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