Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Tale of the Dusty Loft

I spent much of today hidden away from the sunshine, under a thin layer of slate amidst dust and other people's things.

One of my friends has spent the last few years doing garden work for one of our old supervisors, and his latest (non-garden related) job was to insulate her loft - for it was done in a very slap-dash way by whomever did it before. And so, with a little assistance from me, the loft was insulated. Boards were pulled up, had squishy fibreglass lain beneath them, and then replaced. I was glad of the face-mask provided, for it was black with dust afterwards - nice to know that could have been coating my alveoli, and yet, was not!

So, now I know how to insulate a loft - a useful life skill no?

Tomorrow lectures begin again... once more unto the breach!

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