Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This morning, on the way to lectures, walking along the Storey's Way cycle path I was distracted by an engineer in a field. He was using a theodolite, presumably to do theodolitey things for a development of some sort (ok, I don't know what he was doing) right in the middle of the field of cows. The cows however, were not neatly distributed, or even in a random herd; they were crowded behind him, all carefully watching. If any of you, like Jen, are worried that cows are more intelligent than they look, this poor quality (UFO style) mobile phone photo will only add to your paranoia.

Yesterday I gave blood, and so did Alex. She came along for moral support (though I pointed out that this would make me seem like a scaredycat), and was so impressed by the whole affair ("I thought it would involve knives and buckets!") that she gave blood an hour later (after a trip to Sainsbury's). Worryingly, she also managed to predict her blood flow rate into the bag at exactly 43 ml/min... scary!

This evening we have had an uber-cleaning fest. The hall, landing and kitchen have been hoovered, and the hall and kitchen mopped, alex is frantically dusting and vacuuming her room. Two days ago we flash-mobbed the living room, and shifted furniture before leaping in with the hoover, and I dusted my room at the weekend. Slowly, we are freeing ourselves of the respiratory nightmare that is our house. Please, parents, if you're worried about your child developing asthma, bring them here for an hour and they'll be desensitised for a century.

In other news, my computer is breaking. It's been deciding again that 2 usb ports is one too many, and so I again have to chose between internet, printer, music or pen drives - turn off one, plug in the other etc. etc. Plus it's been crashing alot for some strange reason (I think it's confusion at an external hard drive), and for some reason Ubuntu has started crashing too). I've been eyeing macs up again... apparently there's a new macbook coming out soon, so I'm not sure whether to hold on and see what they're like, or jump in and get one of the current ones cos no doubt the price will go up. Or whether I should even get one at all. Oh well!
Edit: actually it seems the new macbooks are already out.


Unknown said...

Hey Tom, switched to Mac about two years ago and wouldn't consider buying anything else again. Just to give you an example as to why, last week the magnetic power adaptor (an apple exclusive thing) on my laptop broke which was a bit of nightmare since it meant I only had 3 hours more computer time until I could get hold of a replacement. In desperation I called apple up and explained the problem and had the new upgraded version in my pigeon hole the next day, for nothing, despite the fact I'm well outside the warranty.

If your worried about missing out on an upgrade is your friend. If you are especially paranoid you might want to wait until June 9th for Apple's biannual conference where they tend to release new stuff though no big changes are expected to the macbooks.

If you do buy make sure it's through the higher education store, I think you need to be on the cambridge network to do so but it means you can get a brand new macbook for £601 which is a discount of just under a hundred quid. Hope that helps.
— Sam

Tom Ward said...

Thanks Sam! I've emailed you with a barrage of questions, sorry! I think I must have got into the higher education store in a pretty retarded way yesterday as it only gave me a £40 discount, but using your link, it gives me almost £100. Huzzah!

Anonymous said...

But what about the cows? They're far more interesting (and prettier) than a silly computer!