Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Christmas Everyone! I hope everyone has had a fantastic day. I have eaten lots (mmm.. pheasant... mm... christmas pudding) and got many pairs of socks (which were wholly needed), lots of things to make me smell nice (because I smell), moisturiser (because Santa is jealous of how rugged I am) and a snooker cue (oooo!)

I attach a picture of our Christmas tree, a beautiful Fraser Fir from The Christmas Forest. It really is a beaut.

Update: 2nd Jan 2008 - The Tree STILL looks great! It's only dropped a few needles and has retained its shape (unlike Nords) even though it's infront of a radiator. I have watered it lovingly though. Hooray for Frasers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very upset I must say that the amazing amount of toffee that I lovingly carried home all the way from York on the train was not mentioned in this blog. It saddens me muchly =[
