Friday, June 30, 2006


This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. We have a wonderful internet system for applying for Part II (3rd Year) subjects if you wish to go for natsci tripos subjects (Vets at Cambridge do an intercalated year so we can do whatever we want in our 3rd year. I considered Geography, but thought that the jump to a slightly more artsy subject would probably break my brain). I applied to the PDN department (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience) to do 4 modules in “Development and Reproduction”, mostly as our Veterinary Reproductive Module we did this year was so fascinating! My second choice was pathology and my third choice genetics.

So, it was all going along nicely, and I was getting suitably excited about PDN, assuming I’d get it as I got a good 2.1 last year, but was rejected. The 2nd choice allocations were 5 days later so I had to wait and see what I got (I swapped path and genetics though, as revising path was painful). So, I came to terms with the fact that I’d be doing genetics next year, and was quite looking forward to it. Then, on the day of 2nd choice allocations I was told by the internet site that I had been allocated a place on PDN. I was understandably over-excited, and relieved to have got my place. However, the following day I checked my emails I was told that I had been given a substitute place on the, which had really bad modules; so I was back to genetics. Then, a few days later I was told they’d messed up my application and I infact should have had my 1st choice. So, I am now doing PDN – so far so good :S.


Tom Ward said...

Will you really! Huzzah! How exciting :) Another fellow PDNNER. What modules you doing?

Tom Ward said...

Ah, I am doing that one, and all development/repro ones. Developmental Biology, Fetal and Placental Physiology, and Neural Degeneration and Regeneration.