Sunday, September 11, 2005


My sister has just embarrassed me (well, perhaps more entertained me) by referring to bras as 'over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders'. Apparently it's from a book she read - dear oh dear, what are they teaching kids nowadays. The books were these:

We should campaign to have them outlawed! OUTLAWED I SAY!


Tom Ward said...

oh dear oh dear - the latest ones are apparently (according to my sis) called, "And thats when it fell off in my hand", and "...and then he ate my boy entrancers"

Jenjen said...

Right...these books are genius....I have read them all...recently..and I will not have them mocked.....I foresee problems in the marriage thomas!!! (Am so indignant that am commenting allll the way from vienna!!!)

And boy entrancers are false eyelashes. ahem.