Sunday, July 10, 2005

they have picked the wrong city to pick on.

It's a beautiful day!

Met up with Mary (who is farming in north London) and went for a walk down by the river. She's doing well, and was brave enough to venture onto the M25... I certainly wouldn't have been!

My sister had her "highschool" prom the other day (AARGH... Americanisation), and thoroughly enjoyed it. She looked so pretty in her purple dress.

In other news, we were all very upset by the London bombings a few days ago. Luckily my Dad (who works in central London) missed it, and Vicky, who was very Kings Cross at the time survived unharmed. It touched us all though - it was weird to be so close to something so big, and scary - I've always felt so detatched from it all when it happened before elsewere (New York, Madrid) - it's a bit creepy it being so close. It's the way it all comes down to luck that makes it hard to accept; there's nothing you can do to stay safe really, save never leaving your house (and then you'd probably die of vitamin D deficiency; and if you do that, who's won?
I was touched by a letter I saw on the TV with some flowers on a wall in London that summed up the feeling in London at the moment: "Yesterday we fled this great city, but today we are walking back into an even stronger and greater city. The people who did this should know that they have failed, they have picked the wrong city to pick on. London will go on.".

I've managed to track down a picture of it from

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Sorry for the sparseness of posting. I'll try to put up MayBall photos soon... They're on my laptop which is awkward to connect up to the net...


1 comment:

Tom Ward said...

Thankyou! I appreciate your kind words. Did you see the news yesterday that they have arrested all 5(?) of the attempted bombers of the 21st! Hooray! Hopefully they'll get what they deserve.

Tell me, how did you find this blog?