Friday, July 29, 2005

Tornados, Teats and Trips.

A tornado in friggin' Birmingam! A big bone crushing tornado! Jeez. Reece is ok thankfully - got wet though. I don't know what's going on with this country, it seems to be falling apart! Apparently (according to my a-level biology... good old Mr King) Exeter (I think - or possibly Somerset - somewhere in England anywhere) has the highest tornado frequency of anywhere in the world, just they are really diddy :) <-- dunno why I smile... how strangely proud I am of this country. Oh and, while we're on the topic of natural disasters, my condolenses to those involved and killed in the Bombay monsoons. I hope Rahul is ok - is that not where he went on holiday? What have I been up to I hear you crying? Well, actually, not a great deal. I've done some work :o, bought a little note book to put down interesting things I read. I've done one chapter "The Common Integument" already. Woo. Did you know that the scent of "wet dog" is due to their sebaceous glands - not sure how exactly, it was vague on details. Or, that cats have 8 teats, and dogs have 10. Fascinating.

On the topic of teats, I found this photo with the caption:
if women were built like horses they would look something like this:
Though, in my opinion the bra is still a little too high.

Am off to London tomorrow to see Vicky, Alex, Reece and Iona. Woooo! Can't wait. Am taking the "North London Line" to Finchley.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Slaps for Neglect

Le blog du Tom est desole! (wouldn't Jen be proud - even if I couldn't be bothered to put an accent on desolE (grave- also with an accent i believe))

I haven't posted for bare-long-tings, which is bad. But, not too much has been happening, apart from London.

Hope all is good.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

May Ball Photos are now up!


Sunday, July 10, 2005

they have picked the wrong city to pick on.

It's a beautiful day!

Met up with Mary (who is farming in north London) and went for a walk down by the river. She's doing well, and was brave enough to venture onto the M25... I certainly wouldn't have been!

My sister had her "highschool" prom the other day (AARGH... Americanisation), and thoroughly enjoyed it. She looked so pretty in her purple dress.

In other news, we were all very upset by the London bombings a few days ago. Luckily my Dad (who works in central London) missed it, and Vicky, who was very Kings Cross at the time survived unharmed. It touched us all though - it was weird to be so close to something so big, and scary - I've always felt so detatched from it all when it happened before elsewere (New York, Madrid) - it's a bit creepy it being so close. It's the way it all comes down to luck that makes it hard to accept; there's nothing you can do to stay safe really, save never leaving your house (and then you'd probably die of vitamin D deficiency; and if you do that, who's won?
I was touched by a letter I saw on the TV with some flowers on a wall in London that summed up the feeling in London at the moment: "Yesterday we fled this great city, but today we are walking back into an even stronger and greater city. The people who did this should know that they have failed, they have picked the wrong city to pick on. London will go on.".

I've managed to track down a picture of it from

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Sorry for the sparseness of posting. I'll try to put up MayBall photos soon... They're on my laptop which is awkward to connect up to the net...


Thursday, July 07, 2005


Yay! A 2.1! Kickass!!! And i got a 1st in anatomy! What is the world coming to!
So pleased!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

London 2012

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Wooo! We have the olympics! It's been a long time coming (nearly 60 years) but the Olympics are coming to the UK. Hopefully this will mean air conditioning on the tube!! Yaaaay! I'd go into how cool it was to beat the French, but I guess you will have heard it all before!

Also, sorry for the lack of posting on here - I've been lazy - plus there is nothing to procrastinate away from at home. Hehe