Saturday, May 21, 2005

The rain it falls

Today it rains. It rains alot. I went to buttery, and on my way (it's only a short journey) I saw many "exciting" (not really) things. See diagram
Interesting Map!

A. Arrow points to my room
B. The porters lodge where I have a large unknown parcel in my pidgeon hole. The porter was away for 30 mins - so much 24hr portering, and as such I couldn't get it. Yeah, my birthday isn't till Monday but it'd be nice to hold it now!
C. The place on the Cam where I saw some punters. PUNTING, on a day like today. They were getting wet with nothing more than an umbrella to hold them up - no doubt they will sink.
D. BUTTERY, where I had the most amazing brunch. 2xbacon, 2xegg, 2xtomatoes, mushrooms, 2xsausage, beans, orange juice. Mmmmmmmm

Plus, I got up at 8.50 this morning. On a SATURDAY!!!!! I did physiology and learnt stuff. Now I'm procrastinating cos I dont want to do any more. AAARGH.

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