Saturday, June 27, 2009

Warmth and Rain.

Today has been a beautiful day. It was sunny, warm, and yet just cool enough to be bearable. And it had that sort of rain that comes when it's hot, and the sky still remains blue. You can just stand outside, hold your hands wide and enjoy the cooling drops of water falling on your face, and evaporating within a second; like natural air-conditioning. I didn't enjoy the rain as much as I should unfortunately, as I was trying to get my head around my elective project. As part of the initial research, I'm trying to fathom how farmers might perceive risk... relative? Economic? Not quite sure yet, but hopefully some pubmed scouring will be revealing over the next few days. Unfortunately, the few papers I've wanted to read have been just outside the university library's dates of subscription, so I haven't been able to read them. Grr.

Other than that, Dad and I cleared out the shed today, as we had a few cwt of sand to squeeze inside. It's always a very cathartic experience cleaning it out, removing piles of dust and rearranging everything at right angles, and in an organised fashion. A little bit of an OCD pleasure. I also had a little bash at photoshopping an old photo I took in Norwich a few years ago. I've made the foreground black and white, and changed the colour of the sky. It's not perfect, but let me know what you think.

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