Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Parasites anyone?

My goodness me - regular readers, if you are still checking this I bow down to you, for I have neglected the blog for far too long. I am now a clinical vet student don't ya know, and so have been having an inaugural number of lectures, which has been a shock to my system made fragile by last years slack timetable. I have learnt about alot of parasites - those you may have heard of (Ascaris, Toxocara) and those that may never have entered your wormy radar (Ostertagiosis anyone?). Parasitology is very simple: you can split the worms into 2 classes:
1) long wormy things.
2) short wormy things.
If you wish to go into more detail than this, things get very complicated, and of course there is that cut/off point between long and short that no-one can really work out, so I suppose there's a 3rd group:
3) medium sized wormy things that are neither long nor short
And then there are such GI parasites that aren't wormy...
4) Flukes.
And now we're getting into dangerous complicated territory. To tell the truth, our parasitology course has expanded to 137 pages of separation. Phew!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

In rainbows.

There's a new radiohead album. Oh yeah - it finally arrived. I've been like a hare (not narcoleptic like the one in the fable) waiting patiently for the tortoise to finish the race - for over 3 years. Finally they've produced something, and it's beautiful. Plus you can pay as much for it as you want! Amazing!


We had a housewarming party, both to celebrate our moving into our funky new magnolia house of innuendo and also to warm it. We felt the number of bodies available would provide warmth for many weeks to come*. People began rolling in at about 8.30pm, and my room became cloakroom (as it's just by the front door) and also toilet (as it is ensuite and downstairs). Many people came, including Bethmo who adventured all the way down from Durham (on a train that took a million hours to get here) to see it, which was really great. Lots of Vicky's course peeps came, along with linguists, vets, friends of Mr Taylor and Mary and much hilarity was had by all.

Until it was gatecrashed that was. Some crayzeees came in off the street after giving some guests some cigarettes and proceeded to drink our wine, piss in my loo and generally get in the way until they left (Vicky pointed them in the direction of the door). Grr.

*Incidentally I wonder if there is an opening for using cows to heat houses? They could be connected up by pipes, and their methane (which would be at a decent average 38.5 degrees C) could be run through the house's central heating system. Just a thought. (Joke)

p.s. photo stolen from Becky VW's facebook page. My apologies. It is of the party.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

How to #1

How to...

be a meat-eating fruitarian...

1) Find a goat, or other edible animal
2) Pick up goat
3) Climb up tree, holding goat.
4) Drop goat from tree.
5) Descend tree
6) Tuck in!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

we have the internet in the house... a post will come. In the meantime - 14-9 to England, oh yeah.